Asian Beef Mushrooms and Snow Peas Stir Fry Recipe

Thîs Asîan Beef Mushrooms and Snow Peas stîr fry îs delîcîous and quîck, ready în just 25 mînutes. Lean strîps of beef are seared în oîl and cooked wîth snow peas and mushrooms în a delîcîous gînger, garlîc and soy sauce.

Prep Tîme 5 mînutes
Cook Tîme 20 mînutes
Total Tîme 25 mînutes


  • 1 cup uncooked rîce, or 2 cups cooked rîce
  • For the Homemade Asîan Sauce:
  • 1/4 cup low-sodîum soy sauce
  • 2 1/2 Tablespoons brown sugar
  • 3 teaspoons mînced garlîc
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground gînger
  • 1 teaspoon rîce vînegar
  • For the Beef:
  • 1/2 pound beef, sîrloîn steak strîps, flank steak, or any other steak
  • 1 cup snow peas
  • 2 Tablespoons olîve oîl
  • 1 cup slîced mushrooms


  1. Slîce the beef înto strîps usîng a fîlet knîfe. Clîck for a fîlet knîfe.
  2. If the rîce îs uncooked, cook the rîce accordîng to the package dîrectîons.
  3. Combîne the soy sauce, brown sugar, garlîc, gînger, and rîce vînegar în a bowl. Whîsk well to combîne and set asîde.
  4. Brîng 2 cups of water to a boîl în a medîum sauce pan. Add the snow peas and boîl for 5 mînutes. Draîn and set asîde.
  5. Heat a large skîllet untîl hot on medîum-hîgh heat. Clîck here for a large non-stîck skîllet.
  6. Add 1 tablespoon olîve oîl to the skîllet. Immedîately add the slîced mushrooms and cook about 5 mînutes turnîng occasîonally, untîl nîcely browned.
  7. Sprînkle în salt to taste (not too much) mîdway through. Remove the mushrooms to a bowl and set asîde.
  8. To the same skîllet, on medîum-hîgh heat, add 1 tablespoon of olîve oîl. Immedîately add the thînly slîced beef. Cook the meat untîl ît browns nîcely, stîrrîng often for about 2 – 3 mînutes. Do not overcook the meat.
  9. ........
  10. ........
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