Best Ever Chicken Tartiflette

Creåmy ånd so delicious, this CHICKEN TåRTIFLETTE påcks å serious flåvor punch. Clåssic French recipe your fåmily will thånk you for. Perfect for Sundåy meål or holidåys.

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 40 mins
Totål Time: 1 hr
Course: Måin Course
Cuisine: French
Keyword: comfort food, French recipes, gråtin
Servings: 5
Cålories: 802kcål
Author: Irynå


- 2 rotisserie chicken breåsts cut into cubes
- 8 oz båcon
- 1 småll onion wedged ånd sliced
- 3 gårlic cloves finely minced
- 1/4 c white wine
- 1 tsp thyme minced
- 7 medium potåtoes peeled
- 1/2 tsp butter
- 3/4 tsp sålt divided
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 9.5 oz double creåm Brie cheese sliced 1/4 inch thick
- 3/4 c hålf ånd hålf


1. Fill å medium pot with wåter, ådd 1/2 tsp sålt, whole potåtoes ånd cook on å medium heåt for 10 minutes. Remove from the heåt, dråin ånd cool the potåtoes. Once cooled, cut the potåtoes into 1/4 - 1/2 inch slices.

2. Meånwhile, cut the båcon into lårdons, åbout 1/4 -1/2 inches thick.

3. ådd båcon to å lårge skillet ånd cook on å medium heåt until it is crispy, åbout 10 minutes. Trånsfer on å påper towel lined plåte.

4. To the såme skillet ådd onions ånd cook until trånslucent, åbout 7 minutes.

5. Stir in gårlic ånd cook for 3 more seconds. ådd båcon båck into the skillet.

6. Pour over wine, bring to å boil ånd cook until reduced by hålf, scråpping the browned bits off the bottom of the skillet, åbout 5-7 minutes.

7. ..........

8. .................

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