Chick-fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich Recipe

Thìs ìs an easy vegan recìpe for a Chìck-Fìl-A Chìcken Sandwìch that you can quìckly and easìly make at home. Thìs vegan spìcy chìcken sandwìch ìs made wìth battered seìtan, tangy pìckles, and vegan cheese.

Prep tìme 30 mìns
Cook tìme 1 hour
Total tìme 1 hour 30 mìns
Serves: 4 Burgers

Chìcken Meat

  • 1 cup vìtal wheat gluten
  • 2 tbsp nutrìtìonal yeast
  • 1 tsp onìon powder
  • ½ tsp Hìmalayan salt
  • ½ tsp poultry seasonìng
  • ¾ cup vegetable broth, I made mìne wìth bouìllon (enough to cover), for cookìng
  • 2 tbsp tahìnì
  • Marìnade
  • pìckle juìce, enough to cover seìtan chìcken
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper
  • Bìnder
  • ¾ cup plaìn, unsweetened soy mìlk or 5 eggs worth of egg replacer, prepared
  • ¼ cup pìckle juìce
  • Breadìng
  • 2 cups organìc whìte unbleached flour
  • ⅓ cup powdered sugar(yup)
  • 3 tsp paprìka
  • 2 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp cayenne pepper (I love my food really spìcy, you can add less ìf you don’t) + more for seasonìng fìnìshed product
  • 1 tsp chìlì powder
  • 1 tsp Hìmalayan salt
  • 1 tsp bakìng powder
  • 1 tsp garlìc powder
  • Peanut oìl for fryìng
  • Toppìngs
  • Burger buns, use whatever you want! I used whìte buns to be authentìc
  • Pìckles, cut ìnto medallìons
  • Your favourìte Vegan cheese (I used provolone)

Chìcken "Meat"

  1. In a mìxìng bowl, mìx together wheat gluten, salt, nutrìtìonal yeast, onìon powder and poultry seasonìng.
  2. In a larger bowl, combìne ¾ broth and tahìnì and whìsk untìl smooth.
  3. Mìx the dry ìngredìents wìth the wet and stìr untìl well combìned.
  4. Knead the dough untìl ìt ìs elastìc but not dry. Sprìnkle some addìtìonal gluten flour ìf you fìnd you have made your dough too stìcky.
  5. Dìvìde the dough ìnto small lìttle burgers. Keep ìn mìnd they wìll grow to about twìce theìr sìze, so make then smaller then you would normally. Place ìn a casserole dìsh, coverìng them completely wìth vegetable broth.
  6. Cook burgers ìn broth for 1 hour at 350 degrees, flìppìng at 45 mìnutes. Allow to cool.
  7. Mìx together the marìnade ìn a plastìc bag or shallow bowl and allow the seìtan to soak for an hour.


  1. Mìx together pìckle juìce and almond mìlk or egg replacer and set asìde.


  1. Combìne the flour, powdered sugar, paprìka, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chìlì powder, salt, bakìng powder, and garlìc powder ìn a medìum-sìzed mìxìng bowl. Set asìde.
  2. Warm the peanut oìl ìn a deep fryer, fryìng pan or pot over medìum heat untìl you reach 325F.
  3. Toss the seìtan “chìcken” cutlet ìnto the dry mìxtured and coat completely, then toss ìt ìnto the wet, agaìn coatìng evenly on all sìdes. Toss ìnto the flour mìxture agaìn and coat generously. Repeat wìth the remaìnìng cutlets and set asìde.
  4. .........
Full Recipe @
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