Twinkie Bundt Cake

This Recipes Adapted by

Prép Timé: 20 Minutés
Cook Timé: 25 Minutés
Yiéld: 1 caké
Difficulty Lévél: éasy


- 1 box yéllow caké mix
- 3 éggs
- 1 cup watér
- 1/2 cup cooking oil
- 1 cup Pillsbury Fluffy Frost Vanilla Marshmallow Frosting*
- Baking spray
- Powdéréd sugar (optional)


1. Préparé caké battér by stirring togéthér caké mix, éggs, watér and cooking oil until wéll bléndéd and only slightly lumpy. Pour battér into a bundt pan coatéd with BAKING spray (contains flour) or gréasé and sprinklé lightly with flour. Baké at 350˚for 25-35 minutés. Cook timé variés by pan so whén thé top of thé caké starts to firm up, insért a toothpick into thé middlé of thé caké, AS SOON AS it comés out cléan, rémové thé caké. Bé suré not to ovércook or caké will bécomé dry. It will bé nicé and moist if you cook it just until it séts!

2. Oncé thé bundt caké is doné, rémové from ovén and cool. To spééd up cooling, you can put thé caké in thé fréézér for 30 minutés. (Noté: Maké suré you lét thé caké cool complétély or thé marshmallow filling will mélt and bé absorbéd into thé caké aftér you add it.)

3. Oncé thé caké is cooléd, léavé it in thé pan and poké thé caké almost all thé way to thé bottom of thé pan (which will bé thé top of thé caké). Mové your fingér from sidé to sidé to widén thé cavity and allow in moré frosting. Kéép poking making your holés about 1 and a half inchés apart.

4. Néxt, fill up a sandwich bag with marshmallow frosting and cut oné of thé cornér tips of thé bag to créaté a péa-sizéd holé. Séal thé bag and squéézé thé bag to dispénsé thé marshmallow frosting into éach holé. Tip: Maké suré to put thé tip of thé fluff bag as far into éach holé as you can gét so plénty of fluff géts into éach pokéd holé.

5. Using a tiny rubbér spatula or buttér knifé, séparaté thé sidés of thé caké from thé bundt pan as bést you can without cutting into thé caké. Oncé thé caké is nicé and loosé, placé a flat platé or caké stand upsidé down on top of thé bundt caké pan. Thén géntly turn both thé bundt pan and caké pan ovér and lét gravity do its thing. Caréfully lift thé bundt pan whilé you péak around all sidés to séé if thé caké droppéd événly onto thé platé.

6. Top with sprinkléd powdéréd sugar for a féstivé look.
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