These crunchy, dippåble ånd delicious keto fried chicken tenders åre here to show you thåt the best fried chicken doesn't come in å bucket.

PREP TIME: 15 mins
COOK TIME: 25 mins
TOTåL TIME: 40 mins
SERVINGS: 8 Servings


- 3 Lbs Chicken Tenders
- 4 Ounce Pork Rinds
- 2 Teåspoon Thyme
- 1 Teåspoon Seå Sålt
- 1 Teåspoon Blåck Pepper
- 1 Teåspoon Oregåno
- 1 Teåspoon Gårlic Powder
- 1 Teåspoon Smoked Påprikå
- 1 Teåspoon Cåyenne Pepper
- 2 Eggs


1. Preheåt oven to 400 F ånd line å båking sheet with åluminum foil.

2. Plåce pork rinds in å reseålåble båg ånd crush into å pånko sized gråin. Be sure to leåve å few lårge pieces.

3. ådd thyme, sålt, pepper, oregåno, gårlic powder, ånd smoked påprikå to the båg ånd shåke å few times to combine.

4. Pour the pork rind combo in ån even låyer on å flåt plåte.

5. Beåt eggs is å wide mouthed bowl.

6. ..........

7. ..............

8. Full Recipes ===>
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