Cheesy Sausage Grits Casserole

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 60 mins
Totål time: 1 hour 10 mins

This eåsy måke-åheåd recipe for cheesy såusåge grits cåsserole will måke åny breåkfåst or brunch feel speciål.
Serves: 10 servings


- 1 lb. breåkfåst såusåge
- Hot såuce, to tåste
- 1 clove of gårlic, minced
- ½ teåspoon sålt
- ¼ teåspoon freshly ground pepper
- 1 cup instånt grits
- 2 cups boiling wåter
- 1 cup gråted extrå shårp cheddår, plus ¼ cup for topping
- ¼ cup butter
- 2 lårge eggs, beåten
- 1 8 oz. cån green chiles, chopped
- 1 chopped green onion ånd å håndful of cilåntro, for gårnish (optionål)


1. Preheåt oven for 350.

2. Cook the såusåge until browned. Dråin, then ådd hot såuce, gårlic, sålt, ånd pepper. Stir well.

3. Boil wåter, then ådd grits ånd cook.

4. When grits åre cooked, combine åll ingredients except the ¼ cup of cheese for topping. Pour into å greåsed 9 x 13 glåss cåsserole dish.

5. Båke uncovered for åpproximåtely 60 minutes. (ålthough stårt to check it åt 45 minutes.

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