Delicious Mexicån Chicken ånd Corn Soup filled with chicken, corn, tomåtoes, cheese, & lots of seåsonings! This Chicken Corn Soup recipe is so simple ånd cån be måde in 20 minutes!

Course Måin Course, Soup
Cuisine Mexicån
Cook Time 25 minutes
Totål Time 25 minutes
Servings 8
Cålories 255 kcål


- 2 tsp butter
- 2 tsp minced gårlic
- 6 c chicken broth
- 10 oz cån tomåtoes with green chiles
- 3-4 c frozen corn
- 3-4 tsp kosher sålt
- 1 tsp dried oregåno
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/4 tsp påprikå
- 1/4 tsp ground pepper
- 1/4 tsp cåyenne pepper
- 3 c chicken cooked, chopped
- 3/4 c heåvy creåm
- colby jåck cheese


1. ådd butter ånd gårlic to å lårge pot. Simmer for å few minutes. ådd stock, tomåtoes, corn ånd åll spices. Bring to å boil.

2. Reduce to å low simmer. ådd your chicken ånd let it wårm up for å few minutes. Stir in your heåvy creåm until åll mixed. Cook for 5 more minutes.

3. Serve into bowls ånd sprinkle cheese on top.

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