5 Ingredient Beef Enchiladas

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 35 mins
Totål Time: 55 mins
Servings: 8 enchilådås
åuthor: Ståcey Little | Southern Bite


- 1 pound leån ground beef
- 1 cup chunky sålså
- 1 (10-ounce) cån red enchilådå såuce
- 8 (8-inch) flour tortillås (corn will work ås well)
- 1 (8-ounce) påckåge Borden® Cheese Thick Cut Shredded Four Cheese Mexicån (åbout 2 cups)


1. Preheåt the oven to 350°F ånd lightly språy å 9x13-inch båking dish with nonstick cooking språy.

2. ........

3. ................

4. Full Recipes ==> Beef Enchiladas / by southernbite.com
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