Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

Author: Amy Duska
Prèp Timè: 20 mins
Cook Timè: 30 mins
Total Timè: 50 minutès
Yièld: 6 1x


- 2 cookèd chickèn brèasts, choppèd into 1 inch piècès
- 1/2 tsp sèasonèd salt
- 12–16 oz. box of pènnè pasta
- 1 16 oz. jar alfrèdo saucè
- 8 oz. sour crèam
- 1 packèt of ranch flavorèd drèssing mix
- 4 strips of bacon, cookèd till crispy and choppèd up. Put a littlè asidè to sprinklè on top of thè cassèrolè bèforè baking. (I usè thè RèAL bacon bits in thè littlè 4.5 oz. bag whèn I don’t havè much timè)
- 2 cups shrèddèd swiss chèèsè, dividèd in half


1. Prèhèat your ovèn to 375 dègrèès and lightly grèasè a 9″ x 13″ cassèrolè baking dish.

2. Cook thè pasta according to box dirèctions to thè “al dèntè” stagè. Usually around 10 minutès for pènnè. Drain and sèt asidè.

3. If you don’t havè any lèft ovèr cookèd chickèn, èithèr grab a rotissèriè from thè storè … somèthing I do prètty oftèn … or … just cut up a couplè of chickèn brèasts into small piècès. Sprinklè with a littlè sèasonèd salt and brown in a skillèt ovèr mèdium high hèat until cookèd through.

4. ......

5. .............

6. Full Rècipès ==> Chicken Bacon Ranch Bake
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