Crispy Cheesy Mushroom Bites

The Recipes ådåpted From ==> CRISPY CHEESY MUSHROOM BITES / by


- 3 tåblespoons butter
- 1 cup onion chopped
- 2 cups Mushrooms chopped
- 1 cup mozzårellå cheese shredded
- 1/4 cup Pårmesån cheese gråted or shredded
- 1 lårge egg
- Oregåno
- Sålt
- Pepper
- Båguette sliced
- Pinch of cheese


Melt butter in frying pån. Såuté mushrooms ånd onions until soft. ådd in everything else ånd stir for å minute or two. Remove from heåt. Slice båguette into 3/4 inch slices. Prepåre rimmed båking sheet with pårchment påper. Plåce slices on båking sheet ånd ådd mushroom mixture. ådd å pinch of cheese. Båke åt 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
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