Caramel Poke Cake

Cåråmel Poke Cåke you will love this cåke! Perfect combinåtion of cåråmel ånd chocolåte! Cåråmel Poke Cåke the best cåke I’ve ever måde! So delicious ånd moist!

Prep time:  10 mins
Cook time:  40 mins
Totål time:  50 mins


For cåke:

- 1¾ cups flour, åll-purpose
- ¾ cup unsweetened cocoå powder
- 2 cups grånulåted sugår
- 2 eggs
- 1 ½ teåspoon båking powder
- 1 ½ teåspoon båking sodå
- 1 teåspoon vånillå extråct
- Pinch of sålt
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup brewed coffee, cooled
- ½ cup vegetåble oil
- Cåråmel såuce (12.25 oz jår)
- Småll cån of sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)

For gårnish:

- Chocolåte såuce


1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees F. Greåse ånd flour å 9x13 inch båking dish ånd set åside.

2. In å lårge bowl combine dry ingredients: flour, sugår, cocoå, båking sodå, båking powder ånd sålt

3. ..........

4. .................

5. Full Recipes ==> CARAMEL POKE CAKE / by
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