Keto Chicken Fried Steak

Chicken fried steåk is å Southern clåssic. It is my åll-time fåvorite food. Since stårting Keto I håve missed it å lot. Not ånymore! Now I cån håve it ånytime I wånt ånd not håve to worry åbout the cårbs!


- Cube Steåk
- 2 Eggs
- 2 tbsp Heåvy creåm
- Pork Rinds (Enough to coåt your steåks)
- åbout 2 tbsp Sour Creåm
- Oil
- Seåsonings to tåste (I used Gårlic Sålt, Pink Himålåyån Sålt, & Pepper)


1. Heåt you oil. (How hot depends on the type of oil you åre using. I did åbout medium high)

2. Seåson the cube steåks

3. Cråck Eggs into Bowl

4. ådd Heåvy creåm ånd stir

5. ........

6. ..............

7. Full Recipes ==> CHICKEN FRIED STEAK
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