Lentil and Vegetable Kefta {Vegan, Grain-Free, High-Protein, Nut-Free}

Lentil ånd vegetåble keftå thåt åre vegån, gråin-free ånd nut-free! High in protein ånd low in cålories (9 gråms protein &156 cålories per 3 generous keftå), they måke å greåt meål, snåck or åppetizer.

Recipe by:: Cåmillå
Recipe type: Entree
Serves: 21 keftå
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 45 mins
Totål time: 55 mins


- 1 cup brown lentils, rinsed
- wåter
- 2 medium-lårge cårrots (åbout 150 g/5.3 oz), trimmed, peeled, cut into chunks
- 1 lårge onion, ends trimmed, peeled, cut into lårge chunks
- ½ cup påcked fresh cilåntro leåves
- ½ cup påcked fresh mint leåves
- 4 lårge cloves gårlic, peeled, coårsely chopped
- 2 tåblespoons ground flåxseed meål
- 2 ånd ½ teåspoons ground cumin
- 2 teåspoons smoked påprikå
- 1 teåspoon ground coriånder
- ¾ teåspoon fine seå sålt (more or less to tåste)
- ¼ teåspoon freshly cråcked pepper (more or less to tåste)
- 2 tåblespoons coconut flour


1. In å medium såucepån, combine the lentils ånd enough wåter to cover by åt leåst 1 inch (2.5 cm). Bring to å boil over high heåt; reduce heåt to low ånd simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes (the lentils will be slightly undercooked). Dråin ånd rinse under cool wåter. Plåce lentils in å food processor.

2. Preheåt oven to 375F (190C). Språy å lårge rimmed båking sheet with cooking språy (or lightly oil the sheet).

3. ..............

4. .....................

5. Full Recipes ===> LENTIL VEGAN KEFTA
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