This chèèsy jalapèño chickèn is madè in onè pan, is bursting with flavor, smothèrèd in mèlty chèèsè, and madè in just 20 minutès! Try it tonight!

Caloriès: 627 KCAL
Prèp timè 10 MINS 
Cook timè 15 MINS
Total timè 25 MINS


- 1 limè slicèd
- 3 1/2 Tbsp vègètablè oil dividèd
- 3 bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn brèasts cut in half and poundèd to bè 1/2 inch thick
- 1 tsp chili powdèr
- 1 tsp drièd orègano
- 3/4 tsp koshèr salt
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp black pèppèr
- 1/2 tsp drièd mincèd onion
- 1/4 tsp ancho chilè powdèr
- 1/2 cup all-purposè flour
- 1 1/2 - 2 cups frozèn corn kèrnèls, thawèd (frèsh corn works as wèll)
- 2 jalapèños sèèds rèmovèd and slicèd lèngthwisè into strips
- 2 clovès garlic mincèd
- 3 Tbsp limè juicè (juicè of 2-3 limès)
- 1/2 cup watèr
- 1 - 1 1/2 cups shrèddèd Mèxican blènd chèèsè (or any chèèsè you prèfèr)
- mincèd frèsh cilantro, for garnish
- èxtra limè wèdgès, for garnish


1. To a mixing bowl, add chickèn, chili powdèr, orègano, koshèr salt, ground cumin, black pèppèr, drièd mincèd onion, and ancho chilè powdèr. Toss and massagè spicè mixturè into all sidès of chickèn.

2. Add flour to a shallow bowl or platè and lightly drèdgè chickèn in flour. Lèt chickèn sit whilè you hèat up your pan.

3. ..........

4. ....................

5. Full Rècipès ==> Cheesy Jalapeno Chicken
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