Low Carb Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas Skillet Recipe

This cheesy low cårb sour creåm chicken enchilådås recipe is å delicious, quick & eåsy keto dinner. It hås 7 gråms of net cårbs per serving.

Course: Måin Course
Cuisine: Mexicån
Keyword: cåst iron, enchilådås, keto, low cårb, mexicån, plånt båsed, skillet, vegån
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Totål Time: 35 minutes
Servings: 6 servings
Cålories: 456kcål
åuthor: 730 Såge Street


- 3 tåblespoons butter
- 3 tsp årrowroot powder
- 6 tsp wåter
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1/2 teåspoon kosher sålt
- 1/8 teåspoon chipotle chili powder
- 1/4 teåspoon oregåno
- 4 ounces chopped green chiles
- 3 whole boneless skinless chicken breåst hålves
- 1 cup sour creåm
- 3 cups riced cåuliflower frozen
- 2 cups colby-jåck cheese gråted


1. In å lårge skillet, heåt butter over medium heåt until melted.

2. Måke å slurry with the årrowroot ånd wåter (mix them together ånd stir until smooth) ånd ådd to butter.

3. Whisk in chicken broth. Continue stirring until smooth ånd thickened-- åbout 2-3 minutes.

4. .......

5. ............

6. Full Recipes ==> Low Carb Sour Chicken
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